Catherine Muther


FUNDING AREAS: Women & Girls

OVERVIEW: Catherine Muther founded the Three Guineas Fund, which promotes social equity by expanding access to opportunity for women and girls. 

BACKGROUND: Catherine S. Muther graduated with a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College, an M.A. in anthropology from Cambridge University, and an MBA from Stanford University. Muther began her business career as a Consultant in San Francisco at Arthur D. Little, Inc. She held the position of vice president of marketing and other officer level positions in leading Silicon Valley companies. Muther was the senior marketing officer at Cisco Systems Inc.


WOMEN & GIRLS: Muther created the Three Guineas Fund in 1994, named after a Virginia Woolf essay that focused on contributing money to improve society and urged better education and career opportunities for women. The Fund’s projects and programs support educating girls, and creating livelihoods as paths toward social and economic equity. The Fund has supported places like BRAC Africa Loan Fund; PolicyLink, a “national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by connecting the work of people on the ground to the creation of sustainable communities of opportunity,” where she sits on the board; The Battery Foundation; and National Women’s Law Center.

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect Muther to continue to steadily dig into women’s issues at home and abroad.

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