Michael and Joyce Murray


FUNDING AREAS: Global Development & Poverty

OVERVIEW: Michael Murray and his wife Joyce move philanthropy through the Crystal Springs Foundation (CSF), which supports highly effective organizations, through grants and Program Related Investments, that impact the lives of poor and needy people. He also cofounded Unitus Labs, a nonprofit focused on reducing global poverty through economic self-empowerment.

BACKGROUND: Michael Murray graduated with a B.S. in engineering from Stanford in 1977 and with an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1981. He was a marketing director at Apple Computer and went on to become VP of HR and Administration at Microsoft. He reported directly to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.


GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT & POVERTY: In 2000, Murray left the tech world and entered the social change and philanthropic space. He is the co-founder of Unitus, “an award-winning family of related but independent entities, all focused on reducing global poverty through economic self-empowerment through impact investing and/or grant making in the developing world.”

Michael and Joyce also founded Crystal Springs Foundation, whose mission is to help create permanent improvements in the lives of the poor and less fortunate through grants and Program Related Investments. CSF has made start-up and catalytic grants and PRIs to high impact non-profits, both at home and abroad. Partners have included Ashesi University; Capria, which focuses on impact investing in the three areas of social, financial, and ecosystem; Engage Now Africa, which “seeks to strengthen individuals, families, and communities to end poverty by teaching principles of sustainability focused on education, micro-credit, clean water, medical services, orphan support, and ending modern slavery”; and St. Mary's Mission Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

OTHER: It’s worth noting that Murray has been involved in leadership and consulting assignments for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Murrays also co-founded Friends of the Children-Seattle, which they support through their foundation.

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect the Murrays to remain focused on global poverty.